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15 Men
  • 15 Men


    The foredeck swells with an odd bustle tonight. The men are not happy with the decisions the captain has made recently. And anyway, pirates be pirates, and pirates need ships to plunder and booty to split. Granted, not everyone is on the same boat, if you know what I mean. There are those who remain loyal to the captain and believe him when he talks of the rich treasures waiting for them on the course he has plotted. Suspicion slithers on the ship’s decks, seizing sailors in its coils. Men shoot devious glances, trying to fathom the allegiance of others. For only one word, the word no one dares to speak out loud, the most dangerous word, fills the thoughts of the crew… mutiny!

    15 Men is a game of subterfuge, deception, and mutiny for 2-5 players. Each player will be a pirate on a pirate ship, playing as the brave captain, his stalwart shipmate, or one of the scoundrels planning the mutiny.

    Turn crewmen to your side by bribing them with doubloons and use their unique abilities to defeat your opponents when the bullets start flying!


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